Scoring the AP Euro DBQ: What to Expect in 2024-ap euro dbq rubric 2024

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Introduction to the AP Euro DBQ

The Advanced Placement (AP) European History Document-Based Question (DBQ) is a pivotal component of the exam that assesses students’ abilities to analyze historical documents and develop coherent historical arguments. As we approach 2024, it is essential for students and educators to understand the nuances of scoring for the DBQ to best prepare for the exam. This guide provides insight into what to expect in the upcoming year, helping you to navigate the scoring process effectively.

Understanding the DBQ Structure

The DBQ requires students to examine a set of historical documents and construct an essay based on these sources, complemented by their background knowledge. Students are evaluated on their ability to develop a thesis, contextualize the topic, analyze the documents, and utilize evidence to support their argument. The total allotted time for this section is 60 minutes, including a 15-minute reading period.

Scoring Criteria

The AP Euro DBQ is scored on a scale from 0 to 7 points, divided into key criteria:

1. **Thesis (1 point):** The thesis must make a clear, historically defensible claim that addresses the prompt.

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